Friday, September 30, 2011

And we're off!

All of our things are packed, and the apartment is now completely empty. Sound bounced off the walls, and it felt colder than normal when I left. All the life was kind of sucked out of the room, and when I removed our backpacks all that was left was cold air and dust settling in the corners of the room. It was almost like we were never there.

We're leaving for Mongolia tomorrow afternoon, and I have to admit that it feels a little surreal. We have two backpacks filled with clothes, a few books, and necessary toiletries. We are going to be in Asia and Europe for three months without a permanent home, and then in the US running around visiting our parents. We won't know if we're coming back to Korea for another few weeks, and if we do, we won't have a permanent home for nearly six months. It's alright though, because we're young, we have each other, and we're ready to go.

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